Game Name: Batman Vengeance
Genre: Action
Players: 1
Official Site
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Developer: Ubi Soft Montreal
The gritty underworld of Gotham ignites, as Batman becomes the target of a nerve-rattling conspiracy. Batman discovers subtle links in these seemingly unrelated crimes...
The most versatile 3D Batman yet, with over 500 animated movements, special fighting moves and a multi-functional cape with its own A.I.
Journey through a fully rendered 3D Gotham City with Batman's sleek weapons and devices at their fingertips, including the BatGrapple, BatScope, Batarang, BatLauncher, flash bombs and more
Staggering array of gameplay modes: Exploring, Fighting, FPS (Batarang, BatGrapple, Batscope, and Gadgets), Driving, Flying, Freefall, and Puzzles
Over 40 minutes of gripping cinematics featuring the original voice cast of TV's The New Batman Adventures
Original storyline written in collaboration with Warner Brothers and DC Comics, from the files of The New Batman Adventures.
Dolby Surround 5.1 Sound featuring original music inspired by the television series.